Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Comic Book Guy vs NXT 024

Why #GiveDivasAChance When NXT already delivers? 

WWE Divas via WWE
Hashtag Give divas a chance. That is the newest battle cry of the WWE in an attempt to keep viewers from fast forwarding through every diva match.

I haven't heard a call to arms this desperate since The Justice League changed its name to The Blue Light Specials, which they did in JLA #257, which saw the Justice League relocate headquarters from the watch tower to the break room in the Fort Lee New Jersey Kmart.

When was the last time a crowd chanted "This is awesome," "This is Wrestling," or not make a break for the restroom during a WWE Diva's match? mmm.... Probably not since the Jumping Bomb Angels defeated the Glamour Girls for the Tag Team Championship at 1988's Royal Rumble. (Look it up, nerds)

NXT's Charlotte via WWENXT
Even more rare, a WWE event which featured divas as the main event. That's as probable as the Fantastic Four's The thing going without Metamucil for a day... He literally has rocks for bowls, folks...

However, if you'd like to see strong, intelligent, wrestlers who inspire the audience to cheer, chant, and gasp, and that just happen to be women, look no further than NXT.

March 4th's show had Sasha Banks defending her newly won title against former champ Charlotte, and this match stands out as one of the best matches of the past year – independent of gender.

Strength, technique, heart, and the ability to tell a story inside of a ring without having a prime-time tie-in reality show in an attempt to bring viewers in... MMM.... It seems the Divas would do well to spend some time in the reality of the NXT rather than the unreality of the E! Network.

So while the WWE jams social media campaigns down viewers throats in an attempt to make up for the skill that models turned wrestlers will never have, the NXT divas will be slamming each other into the mat, and even deeper into the fan's hearts.

This completes our transaction, good bye.

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