Cool vs Stool: Cool
Directed by Jason Reitman (Up In The Air, Juno) and written by Diablo Cody (Juno, TV Series: United States of Tara).
An austere comedy/drama about a young adult fiction writer who believes all of her problems (recent divorce, an ending to her once-popular series of novels, etc) can be reconciled by reuniting with her high-school sweetheart; despite the fact that he is happily married and is the father of a brand new baby.
Charlize Theron gives an outstanding performance as the lead character, Mavis. Patton Oswalt brings the audience into the film and balances Mavis' obtuse view of life, with his portrayal of Matt, a former high-school cohort of Mavis, who suffered a (not)hate crime and now lives life as a person still struggling to deal with the disability that has been inflicted upon him. The film succeeds as audiences can relate to the common feeling of reflecting on the days of "being at our best" in high school.
Watch this film if you like High Fidelity, Juno, or the TV series Freaks and Geeks.
I agree, it is a pretty good movie. Even better is the fact that in reality, Charlize actually does wear those pads in her bra. They mentioned it on Hollywood Babble-on once where 2 girls were having a yard sale and she popped them out & signed them so the girls could sell them.